World Class Custom Braiding

I say I have been serving the competing bullrider since 1976 because I feel that is when I actually started in the business making my living braiding and rodeoing working the two bronc riding events. Though I have done other things from free lance writing, riding colts and working cow outfits from Nevada to Old Mexico, one thing remained constant, I have still braided bullropes. I feel I have been making my living braiding since 1982 when I put myself through college at Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas. That was when the rodeo team had such stellar members. Upon graduation I kept braiding, unto this day I continue to do so.
Though for the last 12 years i have had very little one-on-one contact, I put all rumors to rest: It is and always has been, if you order a rope from me, PROFESSIONAL QUALITY BULLROPES, by Raymond Branch Custom-Braider, you get a rope hand made, Strictly Custom-braided to your specifications by me, Raymond Branch. I NEVER QUIT and still am making my living by serving you the Competing Bullrider, braiding the highest quality bullropes possible.
Take your time, browse through my web site and if you have any questions or feel I can serve your needs, please feel free to contact me. In the meantime, “Ride Tough and Always to Win, and I’ll see you at the Top!”