World Class Custom Braiding
I must stress the importance of Quality in a Bullrope. Many people are always looking for a “good” deal when they get a bullrope, forsaking quality. Well, my opinion of that is: You receive what you pay for. I want you to think and and ask yourself a few questions;
- Does a skydiver go to the second hand store to obtain his equipment?
- Do military paratroopers get outfitted with cut rate deals?
- Do Olympic shooters, Pro golf players, who play on the P.G.A. Tour, go to the local sporting goods store to buy their rifles, ammunition and golf clubs?
- Or do top tennis players do the same to compete for their championships?
CUSTOM addition:
1. Made to personal order
2. Doing the work only on order
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Standard Measurements:
Any of these measurements can be changed within reason to fit your personal needs. Though these are the measurements most common to the ropes that most NFR and PBR qualifiers are using.
Standard Rope Specification:
7 Foot Loop – 7 Foot Tail (flat or cupped) 3 Nylon Slider Knots (assorted Colors)
Heavy Appliqué Block – Snug 3 Finger Slack – 17 inch Double Nylon Braided Wear Strip
Types of Bullropes
There are generally three types of handles in bullropes regardless of plait.
Half-leather laced, Full-Half skip leather laced and Full-leather laced handles.
From the Half-laced to the Full-leather laced it doesn’t matter, the handles should be firm-to-hard depending on one’s preference, so as not to turn or roll over. Full-leather laced is not necessarily the hardest handle, in that respect the advantage of Full and Full-half-skip handles are that they eliminate a lot of lateral side-to-side motion. When you order, I will ask you how hard you want your handles. Hard, real Hard, Super-Hard, medium Hard, Firm. I WILL NOT braid cable or make what is called a cable handle. Why? Because during a bullride something has to give and if it doesn’t give minutely in the rope, where is it going to give? In one’s wrist, elbow, shoulder, and yes, knees and groins. I know super hard full-leather laced cable handles have been popular these past few years, but if you are having challenges with any of the above, I suggest you take a good self-assessment of the handle of your rope. I’ve also observed not one World Championship has been won with a cable rope and how many of these types of ropes have qualified for the NFR and/or PBR? In the last couple of years I’ve also observed the trend going back to half-lace and Full half-skip laced handles. This, I believe, is to relieve the strain on various body parts mentioned, also along with easing the power absorbed directly from the bull itself during a ride.
Types of Plaits
When a competitor wants a combination plait rope, the first number is the handle, the second is the tail. For example: 9/5 plait, that is a 9 plait hard handle with a 5 plait tail. So a harder feeling handle with a softer feeling tail.